Science and economics

Science and economics research

Science of contaminant modelling

We have undertaken modelling of some key contaminants (nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and E. coli) to understand the gap between the current state and the outcomes sought by the community and iwi of hauora, or health and wellbeing, of freshwater and estuaries.

This modelling shows that levels of particular nutrients and pathogens need to be significantly reduced.

Read more about this and the results here.

The Southland Economic Project

The Southland Economic Project is all about working together to develop ways of understanding the economic impacts of setting limits for water quality in Southland.

The project ran alongside the science programme and other work on community and tangata whenua values, bringing together technical information so that different options can be tested for managing water in each catchment. Read more about the Southland Economic Project here.

Environment Southland Science Programme

Environment Southland monitors and gathers information about the quality and quantity of the region's air, water and land resources to enable these to be managed for future generations. We carry out long-term monitoring across the region, as well as short-term research and investigations where information gaps or potential problems are identified.

Many research outputs have been completed during 2014-2018. These include technical reports, posters and videos. Find out more about them and browse our database here: Environment Southland Science Reports

Read more about the Environment Southland science programme.