Workshop papers

Workshop 16 - Winton

The aim of this one-day workshop was to give the Forum some extra time to discuss ideas and options - focusing on progressing their thinking on:

  • the structure of the report and the preferred methods
  • specific advice (regulatory and non-regulatory) to Council and TAMI

Read the record of the workshop here

Workshop 15 - Invercargill

The Regional Forum continued to explore options and develop concepts. They heard and considered scientific and economic modelling outputs; and agreed how their advice would be recorded and by whom.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop 14 - Mataura

The focus was on the development of concept plans for the Regional Forum’s advice. The Forum also heard from stakeholders about their different organisations’ preferences and ideas for achieving, over a generation, the significant improvements needed in the region to deliver on the draft freshwater objectives.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop 13 - Invercargill

The focus of the workshop was to begin pulling together thoughts and ideas on a range of solutions to improve freshwater in Southland that might form part of their advice to Council and Te Ao Marama. The forum also heard from stakeholders DairyNZ and Invercargill City Council.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop 12 - Gore

The focus of the workshop was to welcome the new Regional Forum members and bring the group together.

The Regional Forum was updated with the latest science information, discussed the application of Ngāi Tahu timeframes and methods and took the opportunity to talk with Gore District Council staff and Hokonui Runanga members. Further opportunities to discuss ideas and opportunities with stakeholders will be sought over the next two workshops.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop 11 - Invercargill

The focus of the workshop was to explore the practical application of limit setting, understand the updated Ngai Tahu values and objectives for freshwater (environmental outcomes) – methods and timeframes and discover more about voluntary reward schemes and integrated catchment management.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop 10 - Te Anau

The focus of the workshop was to gain a deeper understanding of the potential methods and limits to achieve freshwater outcomes under the new National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management; to learn more about Te Tiriti O Waitangi and to understand impacts of cumulative effects and role of integrated catchment management. The forum members were able to build on our understanding of contaminant load and what this means for over allocation, and the cumulative effects this has on our rivers and estuaries. They know that there are challenging contaminant load problems that need to be addressed. They understand that all discharge sources, from rural, urban and industrial areas, will need to be considered when forming our advice to council and Te Ao Marama board.

The forum members appreciate that the impacts of climate change may further compound the challenge of effectively managing regional freshwater outcomes, with increasing frequency, size and duration of severe weather events predicted.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop nine - Riversdale

Workshop nine was held in Riversdale. The focus of the workshop was around understanding the framework for determining the community values and objectives for freshwater and how the community and iwi values have been woven together. The forum also took a closer look at the policy tools available which will help in the Regional Forum's decision making for the recommendations they will provide to council and Te Ao Marama board. They also began discussing how to apply the tools through scenario testing and gained a sense of scale of the change likely to be required to meet Southland’s freshwater objectives.

Read the record of workshop here

Workshop Eight - Riverton

The eighth workshop was held in Riverton. It was the first opportunity for the forum members to get together since February and they made significant progress on understanding the policy context, learned more about uncertainty and began their discussions on the assessment criteria they will use to make decisions.

Read the forum's key messages from the workshop here

Workshop Seven - Murihiku/Waituna

Throughout the two day workshop, the forum members spent time deepening their understanding and discussing the iwi values for water. They learned that the aspirations of the wider community align well with those of the people of Ngai Tahi ki Murihiku. They are considering all they have seen and heard over the last 10-12 months and are finalising their first package of advice to Council shortly [delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions].

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop Six - Winton

Forum members were presented with the work from the iwi values workstream, which included a literature review and kanohi a kanohi (face-to-face) interviews with iwi from across Southland. They continued to learn about and discuss issues with Southland’s water quality and quantity and delver further into the detail around the draft freshwater objectives. The forum members are looking towards the end of Phase Two when they will put their first package of advice to Council and Te Ao Marama board members on potential methods to improve water quality.

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop Five - Tuatapere

The fifth workshop was held in Tuatapere, where forum members began to hear the results of the Share Your Wai campaign, which collected community values for water from people across Southland. They received their first look at the draft freshwater objectives package being developed for Southland, and spent time discussing national bottom lines and what these look like for Southland. This workshop is the first in Phase Two of the Regional Forum programme.

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop Four - Invercargill

The fourth workshop was held in Invercargill, where forum members continued to build their knowledge of the Southland environment and the policy space they are working in. This workshop completes Phase One of the Regional Forum programme.

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop Three - Te Anau

The third workshop was held in Te Anau, where forum members continued to build their knowledge of the Southland environment and the policy space they are working in.

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop Two - Gore

During the second workshop in Gore, forum members had an opportunity to meet with members of the Environment Southland monitoring team and see how they carry out water quality and quantity monitoring at the Mataura River at Gore’s monitoring site.

Read more about this workshop here

Workshop One - Bluff

The first workshop focused on allowing the members to start to get to know one another; to start exploring their roles and responsibilities as well as the roles of Environment Southland and Te Ao Marama; to start developing a code of conduct and begin to explore the context of the work ahead, in particular change and decision making.

Read more about this workshop here